The inaugural session has been started by chief guest Prof. P. Subhashini Devi.


Dr. PK Jayalakshmi, Dr Manikya Kumari, Dr Harini, Ms. Rmani Dhanaraj, Dr Padma Sundari, Mr. Ramesh, Dr Praveen, Dr Rosina George and other faculty have been joined the session.


Students from various colleges, (about 8 colleges) have been registered for the event- viz: Andhra Unviersity, Bullaya college, VS krishna College, AVN college, Gayatri vishya Prarishad, St. Anns College. Also PG students from Home science department, St. Joseph’s college, and the students of 2nd BBC, have registered for workshop.


Total students registered: 118 and including 5 faculty members from various colleges


The chief guest delivered a lecture on Antibody diversity which covered about introduction to immune system, the cells and organs of immune systems. Discussed the cell proliferation and the changes that take place in specific B cell. As the cells mature, the cells express initially IgM and then IgD. These cells express other types of antibodies due to the class switching mechanism in the genes. The lecture incorporated the events taking place at the germinal center of a secondary follicle in the secondary lymphoid organs. Explained the genes that give rise to antibody diversity at Hypervariable region which code for light chain and the variable chain in variable regions. These lead to antibody diversity which account for more than 4 lakhs types of antibodies. Also, the diversity of TCR was discussed and has been compared with antibody diversity.

 The inaugural session has been followed by first practical demonstration for the kit- Ouchterlony method.


The method was explained and demonstrated by Dr Anupama, Dr Veerabrahmam and Dr Mousami to the students. The students have prepared the agarose slides, loaded antigens and antibodies and incubated the slides at room temperature to observe the interaction on the next workshop session/day.

Dr. Anupama explaining to students

Dr. Veerabrahmam explaining to students



Dr Mousami Shankar started the day – 2 workshop, explaining to the 2nd kit- Radial immunoassay. Experiment was demonstrated by the coordinators: Dr.Veerabrahmam, Dr.Mousami Shankar and Dr.Anupama. Experimental spot observation was conducted during the breaks.

The 3rd kit was explained by Dr A. Veerabrahmam and was demonstrated by the coordinators: Dr.Veerabrahmam, Dr. Anupama and Dr.Mousami shankar

After all the technical sessions completed, the valedictory session has been followed.

The Valedictory function was graced by Chief patron, Sister Hema, Vice – principal, SJCW and guest of honor Dr Manikya Kumari madam, Head of the department, Botany. Dr Manikya kumari madam explained the importance of the immune system, analysis methods and illustrated the requirements for good health and possible options to be healthier.

Respected Sister Hema explained how one could strong immunity with the available conventional foods.

The participants cherished their feedback on the present two day workshop on “IMMUNO ASSAYS” 2K22, from which they attain a wonderful hands on experience. Also they expressed their happiness for being a part in this workshop.

Participant certificates were distributed to the students and staff who were successful in the two day workshop.



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