
1) Girl Child Day_24 Jan 2022

“Girls must be aware of their purpose of life and acquire confidence for withstanding to the conditions prevailed in the society”.

To motivate concept based education and to make them aware of self-reliance, this day was observed in the department of biotechnology, SJCW (A), Visakhapatnam. In our country, every calendar year, 24th January is celebrated as the National Girl Child Day. On account of this day, the Ministry of Women and Child development, celebrate the day across the country to enhance girl’s education. 

2) National Voters Day_25 Jan 2022

In order to make awareness on significance of the vote and casting the vote, Department of biotechnology, St. Joseph’s college for women (A) has observed the National 12th voter’s on 25th January 2022. 

The theme for this year’s NVD, ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participative’, envisages focus on ECI’s commitment to facilitate active participation of voters during the elections and to make the complete process hassle free and a memorable experience for all categories of voters.

3) International Women's Day_08 March 2022

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is celebrated on March 8 every year. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality and participation of women in each and every field.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day the department of Biotechnology celebrated the day with joy and strong oath. Also a Quiz program was conducted among the enthusiastic girl students of all the classes. The questions were prepared on the theme of “Women in Science” quiz program. There was a marked and active participation from all the sections.

4) World Water Day_22 March 2022

On 22nd March, World water day is observed annually to raise awareness about the importance of fresh water and advocate for the sustainable management of fresh water resources. It was recommended to celebrate in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio De Janerio. And then, in 1993 the first World Water Day was celebrated.

On this occasion, the department of Biotechnology celebrated the day with a strong determination to conserve each and every water drop that counts in our life. Students of IInd B.Sc. B.B.C have been actively participated and created awareness on conservation of rain water.


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